Christine Isley-Farmer
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- Books
- Member Since
Apr 2024
- Gender
- Country
United States
- Born
23 September
- Profession
Music Professor and Author
Christine Isley-Farmer is the author of the children’s series, “Boomer’s Tales.” Each book in the six-book series features a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel as the narrator. Christine loves this dog breed and has owned three Cavaliers. She encountered her first Cavalier, Fleur, while performing with the Harrisburg Opera. She was captivated by the big brown eyes and gentle, lively nature of the breed. Her present Cavalier, Dylan, enjoys walks and snuggling next to her in her recliner. Christine, a classically trained singer who has sung in the United Staes and Europe, has also been a university music professor. The stories in opera and song have fascinated and inspired her. The power of stories and music’s healing qualities have woven their way through her life and found voice in her writing. Her books have won recognition in children’s fiction and children’s chapter book series.